At American Wanderer Summer Camp no two days are the same! Every day is a new adventure. We explore 8 unique parks and all their surrounding areas every 2 week session. Join us for an unforgettable Adventure. If you are between 11 and 17 and want to explore some of the coolest places on the planet then pack your stuff.
needs to experience the great wonders of our National Parks. View the sun rise or set over the Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone Lake or the Canyons of Utah. Watch wild buffalo, pronghorn antelope, elk or bear in their natural habitat. No where else in the world are the concentrations of natural wonders greater than in the routes we have planned this summer. We would like to invite your kids* to join us and explore our National Parks. Walk with us and learn that which you cannot read about in a book or experience through a picture or movie.
The next generation of a traditional summer camp for boys and girls ages 11-17. Our Cabins roll and our Camp moves. Our Campers and Guides explore some of the most magnificent parks in the world - all right here in America. We offer 4 distinct 2 week sessions exploring over 34 Parks in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming.
The only one of its kind. We use the 83 million acres of the national park system as our camp.
Come from around the globe to explore with us and learn about some of the most incredible places on earth.
All Teachers, Professors and Experts.
Upscale version of a traditional camp cabin with air conditioning, heat, bathroom, shower, refrigerator, stove and microwave.
We offer an unsurpassed opportunity to spend a summer exploring the National Parks and their surroundings. A camp where Kids explore new places, learn new things, make new friends and have fun. We ignite a spark of passion within every camper by opening their eyes to the wonders all around. Expand your horizons and explore these magnificent wonders.
* Yes, we know the kid in all of us wants to go but only kids 11-17 are eligible for these adventures.
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